Saturday, January 26, 2008

Time TechFest

Yaay! Techfest is here. Asia's biggest annual Technical feature at IIT Bombay kick-started here yesterday. Bit of wires, broken down pieces of wood and metal are a common sight everywhere on campus. It is very polluting.(Thanks to ES)

But yeah, that is besides the point. I somehow am not able to feel the same energy through me. It is a feeling of missing something. Or am I just lost? It is not even that maybe. It may just be the fact that I have become old and as all things do or atleast seem for old people, been there, done that, so boo.

Still, come to think of it rationally, that is also not the reason. It is not just me. It couldn't have been that something for which I could shed my flesh and blood just a couple of years back, been reduced to yet another weekend. It is very obvious that there has been a huge drop in the amount of participation this year. Though the official figures and the organizers may beg to differ, the insti is not filled at all despite the innumerable innovations and the new strategies implemented this year. Or it is just that there are not too many hoardings on campus. the only ones to be noticed are "Microsoft is delighted sometimes, excited some other times to sponsor TechFest."

Well, it may not be all these reasons at all. It is probably that this year MoodI happened for me. This was very certainly my first MoodI inspite of the fact that I have been on campus all these years during the December time. Definitely, MoodI happened. A lot can happen over MoodI.

It is MI this year for me and not TF.

Life goes round and round. It comes around.

1 comment:

Sadanand said...

Reading your blog after a long time and I had to comment on this one. I beg to differ and as the OC of tf, I protest :x We had infi people, you should have just seen the nights for a start!!
And anyways when you have personal interests in MI it's unfair comparison between MI and tf - if you were the baccha you were in the freshie year you would have said tf rox!!